Friday, May 20, 2011

Your First Call from the Agency

Usually the first time you will hear from your agency after your comp is done is when you fit the requirements for a modeling job, and you are sent out on your first “go-see” or “casting.”  This is the beginning of the process - and if you handle things well from the point of that first call you greatly improve your chances of success.
When you get a call from your agency, you need to call them back quickly.  Jobs often arise and are cast in a matter of hours – if you haven’t returned your agent’s call, you may lose the jobs, even if you have been specifically requested by the client.  Sometimes clients select several models for a single assignment, call them, and give it to the first model that calls back to confirm.  If you don’t have a way ( cell phone, good answering service that will track you down) to find you quickly, you run the risk of losing a lot of jobs you otherwise could have.
So, what do you need to do in that call?  Make sure you get all the information you will need to be successful at the go-see.  Your first problem is whether you even want to take the job (sometimes you may not).  So you need to know:

 What is the job for:  who is the client and the product?
 When is the shoot?
 Where is the shoot?
 What does it pay?
 Does it require wardrobe that you don’t have?
 What will you portray, and how will it be used?

If you get through all that, don’t have any conflicts or objections, you need to know about the go-see itself.  

Where is the go-see?
When is it?  (Usually it is a range of several hours - you want to be there near the beginning if possible.) What role will I be playing, and how do I need to be dressed?
 Who should I see at the go-see?
You should ask all these questions and any others that may occur to you when you talk to your agent.  If you don’t have a conflict with the go-see time, and tell your agency that you will be there, you are on your way to the next step in your modeling career.
Please bear in mind that you have just been given privileged information.  You should not share it with other models or agencies, and you should not take other people along with you to either the go-see or the shoot (unless you are a minor and need an escort).

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